Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Final #3: Group 3D Building Project


Started building the house using the rectangle tool in Second Life.  Made it realistic size of a house and added a roof by using the triangle tool.  I thought Second Life was easier to control the placement and development of the tools.  

I used the move tool to try to place the triangle on top of the roof so it fits.  Here you can get a good image of what out world looks like that we entered.  I found it more difficult to try to place the roof directly on top of the rectangular structure.

I selected the triangle and used the stretch tool and movement tool to try to make it fit onto the rectangle.  Like i said before this took some time adjusting and fitting.

Now that I had the correct size and shape of the roof I had to adjust the depth and location of the roof.  You can see other people started adding things to the house and yard.  I was flying around the house to try to make sure everything was in proportion.

This is just a view of the virtual world and location of the house.  As you can see I still had to rotate the roof.

Now that the roof was in place I played around with some of the textures and colors to see what would work on the house.  This was my firs idea until I realized I could make textures on the roof and on the house.

This is the side view of the house.  I used a grey single as the roof and a red brick for the house.  I thought these two were the most appropriate for our house after speaking with my fellow classmates.  Classmates also added a deck on the back and also a chimney on the roof.    

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